If you try to install Windows with ROK licence (Reseller Option Kit) on top of a hypervisor (Virtual scenaario), after loading, the installatios shows you this error:
This error is because Windows Server does not recognize the "hardware" as a Proliant server.
To solve this problem:
After creating a VM, with the VM powered off, go to Edit Settings / Options / General and select "Configuration Parameters".
Add a new row with this name smbios.reflecthost and with this value TRUE and try again . ;)
The trick for Hyper-V environments is the addition of a registry key to the VM.
– Execute the following command from the command prompt if the guest operating system is HP-branded Windows Server® 2008 R2: Reg Add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization” /v BiosLockString /t REG_SZ /d “Hewlett-Packard ”
NOTE: In the following command line after the word “Hewlett-Packard” there are 17 blank spaces before the quotation mark that must be entered as part of the command.
– Execute the following command from the command prompt if the guest operating system is HP-branded Windows Server 2012: Reg Add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization” /v BiosLockString /t REG_SZ /d “HP ”
NOTE: In the following command line after the word “HP” there are 30 blank spaces before the quotation mark that must be entered as part of the command.
NOTE: In the following command line after the word “HP” there are 30 blank spaces before the quotation mark that must be entered as part of the command.